A - Linac-based Light Sources
Paper Title Page
Production and Characterization of Hard X-rays Beyond 25 keV  
  • Y. Chen, T. Long
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Dedicated R&D programs, aimed for delivering ultra-hard X-rays beyond 25 keV for advanced user experiments, have been launched at the European XFEL. Characterization of the electron beam and the photon beam transport to the instrumentation have been carried out. Given the very first experiments, optimized SASE intensities of 0.8 mJ at 24.58 keV and 0.3 mJ at 30.24 keV, both lasing at the fundamentals, have been simultaneously demonstrated at two hard X-ray beamlines of the facility. These experiments were carried out using optimized low-emittance electron beams based on existing undulators with a 4 cm period and 16.4 GeV electron beam energy. It has also been shown, that the transport of 30 keV photon beams to the user experiments was made possible. The obtained results will be presented. Further discussions on the realization of ultra-hard X-rays using advanced techniques, as well as improved longitudinal beam diagnostics of the facility will be given in detail.  
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Progress on SHINE Machine  
  • D. Wang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  SHINE (Shanghai HIgh repititioN rate hard x-ray free electron laser and Extreme light) is a superconducting linac-based free electron laser facility. It consists of a cw VHF electron gun, 75 8-cavity cryomodules, fast beam distributions, 3 FEL undulator lines as well as the photon beam lines/end-stations. In this talk we will give an introduction to the latest progress of the machine part of this project. Supported by the project funding (including the R&D and construction money that come up at same time) extensive prototyping has been conducted on major components like high rep-rate gun, cavities/cryomodules for cw linac, large cryogenic plant, fast kickers and undulators, among others. The cw beam test facility was set up to operate at cw mode for electron gun and cryomocules.  
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MO3A2 Status and Perspectives for the Swiss Free-Electron Laser (SwissFEL) 26
  • T. Schietinger
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  We summarize the status of SwissFEL, the X-ray free-electron laser at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Apart from some key operational performance figures the presentation covers the state of the experimental stations and their capabilities, gives a few scientific highlights and an overview of the use of special modes beyond SASE at our facility. Furthermore we report on progress of our seeding upgrade program on the soft X-ray line. Lastly we mention our long-term upgrade plans for a third undulator beamline in the tender and hard X-ray regime.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-MO3A2  
About • Received ※ 29 August 2023 — Revised ※ 30 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Status of the LCLS-II Superconducting Linac  
  • D. Gonnella
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: US DoE
The LCLS-II project installed a new superconducting linac into the existing SLAC tunnel to enable a high repetition rate x-ray FEL. Over the last 1.5 years, the commissioning of the new linac has taken place and been overall very successful. The status of the commissioning and experience from early operations of the new superconducting linac will be presented.
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European XFEL Status Overview  
  • M. Scholz
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Since its launch in 2017, European XFEL has been operating reliably and stably, delivering photons to user experiments. The range of services, the overall performance and the provision of special operating modes have been continuously improved. Its superconducting accelerator delivers up to 27000 electron bunches per second in a 10 Hz pulsed mode to 3 undulator beamlines, which in turn can deliver photons to one of two associated instruments. The high electron beam energy of up to 17.5 GeV predestines this facility for high photon energies up to 30 keV. In addition to the default delivery modes, the user community is increasingly requesting other modes of operation such as self-seeding, very short pulses, two colours or customised bunch distributions in the individual pulse trains. We will present a brief summary of the current status of the different operating modes and give an outlook into the future.  
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MO3A5 FLASH: Status and Upgrade 32
  • M. Vogt, S. Schreiber, J. Zemella
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  FLASH, the Soft X-Ray and Extreme-UV Free Electron Laser at DESY, is undergoing a substantial upgrade and refurbishment project, called FLASH2020+. The project will finally enable external seeded and SASE FEL operation for a wavelength range down to 4 nm with the EEHG method. This is achieved in two long shutdowns from November 2021 to August 2022 and from June 2024 to August 2025. Key ingredient of the upgrade were installation of a laser heater, replacing two early TTF-type L-band SRF accelerating modules by modern, high-gradient XFEL-type modules, redesign of the 2nd bunch compressor, and complete redesign of the FLASH1 beam line for HGHG/EEHG seeding. This talk will report on the project and the status of FLASH after the first shutdown with emphasis on beam dynamics aspects.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-MO3A5  
About • Received ※ 25 August 2023 — Revised ※ 26 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Recent status of PAL-XFEL  
  • M.H. Cho, I. Eom, H. Heo, H.-S. Kang, C.-K. Min, I.H. Nam, J. Park, S.H. Park, C.H. Shim, H. Yang
    PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea
  Since opened to users in 2017, significant progress of PAL-XFEL has been made in operations including increasing the FEL pulse energy and the FEL photon energy, generating stable and high power self-seeding FELs, and two-color FELs. In the beamline, new instruments or endstations have been added such as the femtosecond X-ray scattering (FXS) with 800 nm laser pulse, the X-ray absorption spectroscopy (SAX), the serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with operation with developed noble sample-delivery-systems, Fourier-Transform Holography (FTH), and so on. Overall, beamline operation has enabled excellent scientific results through efficient user experiments. This talk will introduce recent status of PAL-XFEL and show representative experiment results shortly.  
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Present Status of SACLA and Plans for Future Upgrades  
  • T. Inagaki, T. Hara, E. Iwai, C. Kondo, H. Maesaka, H. Tanaka
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo, Japan
  SACLA has two XFEL beamlines, BL3 and BL2, which are driven by an 8-GeV normal-conducting C-band high-gradient accelerator and provide SASE from 4 keV to 20 keV, and an EUV-FEL beamline BL1, which is driven by an 800-MeV accelerator and provides SASE from 40 eV to 150 eV. To perform the parallel operation of BL3 and BL2 and the top-up injection into the SPring-8 storage ring, the electron gun, accelerating RF, focusing magnets, and switchyard magnets are synchronously controlled for each 60 Hz pulse. In recent years, experiments using special FELs such as reflection-type self-seeded FELs, two-color, double-pulsed FELs, ultra-short pulsed FELs and nano-focusing optics have been conducted at XFEL beamlines. In order to supply XFELs tailored to various experimental conditions, an automatic tuning system of the accelerator using machine learning has been established and is used for daily tuning. In the future, we plan to improve and precisely control the characteristics of the FEL, such as intensity, pulse duration, spectrum, photon energy, and pulse repetition rate. To achieve these goals, we are working on 1) refinement of accelerator models using electron beam monitors and machine learning, 2) development of the electron gun to increase the beam brightness, 3) development of the efficient RF acceleration. For the purpose of 3, we have started to study a new normal-conducting accelerator design, with the goal of increasing the pulse repetition rate while maintaining XFEL performance and power consumption, to be consistent with ¿Green Facility¿ declaration. In this presentation, we introduce the status and future plans for upgrading SACLA.  
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FERMI FEL Upgrade Plans, an Overview  
  • S. Di Mitri, E. Allaria, L. Badano, P. Cinquegrana, I. Cudin, G. D’Auria, M.B. Danailov, G. De Ninno, P. Delgiusto, A.A. Demidovich, D. Garzella, L. Giannessi, C. Masciovecchio, G. Penco, P. Rebernik Ribič, N. Shafqat, P. Sigalotti, C. Spezzani, L. Sturari, M. Trovò
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  • G. De Ninno
    University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • L. Giannessi
    LNF-INFN, Frascati, Italy
  Short and long term upgrade plans of the FERMI free-electron laser facility at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy, will be reported. They include the ongoing linear accelerator energy upgrade and the conversion of the first undulator line to echo-enabled harmonic generation. The upgrade of the second undulator line to a two stage echo-based fresh-bunch scheme is also under study.  
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Comissioning Progress and Advanced FEL Experiments at the SXFEL Facility  
  • C. Feng, B. Liu, Z. Wang, Z.T. Zhao
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  The Shanghai soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility (SXFEL) is the first X-ray FEL facility in China. The construction of the SXFEL facility was finished in 2022. The output photon energy of the SXFEL can cover the whole water window range. Except for the self-amplified spontaneous emission, various seeding technques have also been adopted for improving the performances of the SXFEL. Here we presents an overview of the SXFEL facility, including the layout and design, construction status, commissioning progress and future plans on advanced FEL experiments.  
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Coherent Free-electron Laser Pulses: The User Perspective  
  • G. De Ninno
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  Are fully-coherent pulses the Holy Grail for experiments, which aim at taking full advantage of the properties of a free-electron laser (FEL)? What are the strategies to generate and diagnose them at seeded FEL facilities? What are the requirements for experiments based on pulse shaping and coherent control? How goes it for quantum coherence and the possibility to generate FEL pulses with sub-Poissonian statistics? We will talk about all this and more.  
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TU2A2 Single Longitudinal Mode Generation in Slippage-dominated, Tapered-undulator SASE Soft X-ray FEL 70
  • D.C. Nguyen, M. Dunham, W. Lou, C.E. Mayes, G. Stupakov
    xLight, Palo Alto, USA
  SASE FELs operating in the soft X-ray region exhibit multiple temporal and spectral spikes with an overall spectral bandwidth of about 1.5 times the FEL rho parameter. While many ideas have been proposed to achieve fully coherent X-ray FELs, only monochromatic seeding, either harmonic seeding* or SASE self-seeding**, has been experimentally demonstrated to narrow the output spectra of soft X-ray FELs. In this paper, we study a different method that relies on the Slippage-dominated Tapered Undulator (STU) SASE concept to produce a single longitudinal mode in a soft X-ray FEL driven by ~10-fs, 16-pC electron bunches. We pre-sent numerical simulation results that demonstrate single-mode generation and narrow-lined spectra without seeding in a STU-SASE FEL at 6.67 nm.
* E. Alaria et al., Nat Photon 7 (2013) 913-918
** D. Ratner et al., PRL 114 (2015) 050801
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU2A2  
About • Received ※ 22 August 2023 — Revised ※ 23 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Opportunities and Challenges of the Hard X-ray Self-seeding System at the European XFEL  
  • S. Liu, P. Dijkstal, C. Grech, M.W. Guetg, V. Kocharyan, T. Long, N.S. Mirian, W. Qin
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • G. Geloni, N.G. Kujala, C. Lechner, S. Serkez, J.W. Yan
    EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  The Hard X-ray Self-seeding system (HXRSS) at the European XFEL provides users with longitudinally coherent X-ray FEL pulses with narrow bandwidth and high spectral density. With this setup we have achieved a maximum spectral density of about 1 mJ/eV at 9 keV. Combined with the MHz repetition rate, it opens up exciting new opportunities in a wide range of scientific fields. However, the increasing user demand and expectations also poses challenges in machine tuning and operation parameter ranges. We will summarize the HXRSS performance we have achieved and the user delivery experiences in the last two years.  
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A Low-loss 14 m Hard X-ray Bragg-reflecting Cavity, Experiments and Analysis  
  • R.A. Margraf, Z. Huang, R. Robles
    Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
  • A. Halavanau, Z. Huang, J. Krzywiński, K. Li, J.P. MacArthur, G. Marcus, R. Robles, A. Sakdinawat, T. Sato, Y. Sun, D. Zhu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • T. Osaka, K. Tamasaku
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, Japan
  Funding: This work was supported by the Department of Energy, Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
Bragg-reflecting cavities on the 10 s or 100 s of meter scale are a core component of proposed Cavity-Based X-ray Free-Electron Lasers (CBXFELs). While CBXFELs promise improved longitudinal coherence and spectral brightness over single-pass self-amplification of spontaneous radiation (SASE) FELs, construction and alignment of large Bragg-reflecting cavities can be difficult technical challenge. Our collaboration recently demonstrated stable operation of a low-loss 14 m 9.831 keV X-ray cavity of four Bragg-reflecting diamond mirrors*, a significant step towards a CBXFEL-scale cavity. We in-coupled X-rays from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) into our cavity via a transmission grating, then measured round-trip efficiencies approaching 88%, or >96% when neglecting losses on in-coupling and focusing optics. Additionally, we characterized transverse oscillations in the cavity, demonstrating the effectiveness of our cavity focusing. We will discuss these results, additional new analysis and consider implications for future CBXFEL projects.
* R. Margraf et al., ‘Low-loss Stable Storage of X-ray Free Electron Laser Pulses in a 14 m Rectangular Bragg Cavity’, In Review, preprint, 2023. doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2465216/v1.
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TU4P05 Design of the Test Platform for High Current VHF Electron Gun 80
  • Z.P. Liu, X.D. Li
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • H.X. Deng, Z.G. Jiang
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • H.J. Qian
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • G. Shu
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  A high-average-current VHF electron gun operating in the CW mode is under construction at Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, which is the key component of a kW-power-order free electron laser facility. The average current and the frequency of this electron gun is 1-10 mA and 217 MHz, respectively. To validate the performance of this instrument, a test platform has been designed. The R&D of its vacuum and diagnostics are presented in this work.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P05  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 28 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P06 The Experimental Progress for the Strong Field Terahertz Radiation at Shanghai Soft X-ray Free-electron Laser Facility 83
  • K.Q. Zhang, C. Feng
    SSRF, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • Y. Kang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Strong field Terahertz (THz) light source has been in-creasingly important for many scientific frontiers, while it is still a challenge to obtain THz radiation with high pulse energy at wide-tunable frequency. In this paper, we introduce an accelerator-based strong filed THz light source to obtain coherent THz radiation with high pulse energy and tunable frequency and X-ray pulse at the same time, which adopts a frequency beating laser pulse modulated electron beam. Here, we present the experi-mental progress for the strong filed THz radiation at shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser (SXFEL) facility and show its simulated radiation performance.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P06  
About • Received ※ 21 August 2023 — Revised ※ 28 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P07 Design of the Beam Distribution System of SHINE 87
  • S. Chen
    SSRF, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • H.X. Deng, X. Fu, B. Liu
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • B.Y. Yan
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  The Shanghai high-repetition-rate XFEL and extreme light facility (SHINE), as the first hard X-ray free electron laser facility in China, is now under construction. CW electron beam with up to 1 MHz bunch repetition rate from a superconducting RF linac is used to feed at least three individual undulator lines that covers a wide photon energy range (0.4 keV ~ 25 keV). In order to maximize the efficiency of the facility, a beam switchyard between the linac and undulator lines is used to enable the simultaneously operation of the three undulator lines. In this work, the schematic design of the beam switchyard for bunch-by-bunch beam separation of CW beam is described, and the current lattice design of the linac-to-undulator deflection branches and the start-to-end tracking simulation results are presented.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P07  
About • Received ※ 22 August 2023 — Revised ※ 28 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P08 Design and Commissioning of the Beam Switchyard for the SXFEL-UF 91
  • S. Chen, K.Q. Zhang
    SSRF, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • H.X. Deng, C. Feng, B. Liu, T. Liu, Z. Qi, Z.T. Zhao
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  As an important measure of improving the efficiency and usability of X-ray free electron laser facilities, parallel operation of multiple undulator lines realized by a beam switchyard has become a standard configuration in the recent built XFEL facilities. SXFEL-UF, the first soft X-ray free electron laser user facility in China, has finished construction and commissioning recently. The electron beams from the linac are separated and delivered alternately to the two parallel undulator beam lines through a beam switchyard. A stable and fast kicker magnet is used to achieve bunch-by-bunch separation. Optics measures are applied to mitigate the impact of various collective effects, such as coherent synchrotron radiation and micro-bunching instability, on the beam quality after passing through the deflection line of the beam switchyard. In this study, the comprehensive physical design of the beam switchyard is described and the latest results of its commissioning process are presented.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P08  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 30 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P11 Symmetric Compton Scattering: A Way Towards Plasma Heating and Tunable Mono-chromatic Gamma-rays 95
  • L. Serafini, A. Bacci, I. Drebot, M. Rossetti Conti, S. Samsam
    INFN-Milano, Milano, Italy
  • C. Curatolo
    INFN- Sez. di Padova, Padova, Italy
  • V. Petrillo, A. Puppin
    Universita’ degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Milano, Italy
  We analyze the transition between Compton Scattering and Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS), characterized by an equal exchange of energy and momentum between the colliding particles (electrons and photons). In this Symmetric Compton Scattering (SCS) regime, the energy-angle correlation of scattered photons is cancelled, and, when the electron recoil is large, monochromaticity is transferred from one colliding beam to the other. Large-recoil SCS or quasi-SCS can be used to design compact intrinsic monochromatic γ-ray sources based on compact linacs, thus avoiding the use of GeV-class electron beams and powerful laser/optical systems as required for ICS sources. At very low recoil and energy collisions (about 10 keV energy range), SCS can be exploited to heat the colliding electron beam, which is scattered with large transverse momenta over the entire solid angle, offering a technique to trap electrons into magnetic bottles for plasma heating.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P11  
About • Received ※ 24 August 2023 — Revised ※ 28 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P12 Injection Into XFELs, a Review of Trends and Challenges 99
  • C. Davut
    UMAN, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Ö. Apsimon
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • B.L. Militsyn, S.S. Percival
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  Funding: Science and Technology Facilities Council, STFC
In this contribution, we review the low-energy electron injectors for existing X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) facilities focusing on the buncher and booster sections. The technology choices are parallel to the increasing demand for stricter six-dimensional phase space quality. The current capability for beam parameters and future requirements are laid out alongside a discussion on challenges and technological bottlenecks. In light of this review, preliminary results for a high capability injector providing high repetition rate, and continuous wave emission is presented as an option for the UK XFEL.
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P12  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 24 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P13 An Introduction to the UK XFEL Conceptual Design and Options Analysis 103
  • D.J. Dunning, D. Angal-Kalinin, J.A. Clarke, J. Henderson, S.L. Mathisen, B.L. Militsyn, M.D. Roper, E.W. Snedden, N. Thompson, D.A. Walsh, P.H. Williams
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • P. Aden, B.D. Fell
    STFC/DL, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • D. Angal-Kalinin, J.A. Clarke, D.J. Dunning, J. Henderson, B.L. Militsyn, N. Thompson, P.H. Williams
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • J.L. Collier, J.S. Green
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, United Kingdom
  • J.P. Marangos
    Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, London, United Kingdom
  In October 2022, the UK XFEL project entered a new phase to explore how best to deliver the advanced XFEL capabilities identified in the project’s Science Case. This phase includes developing a conceptual design for a unique new machine to fulfil the required capabilities and more. It also examines the possibility of investment opportunities at existing XFELs to deliver the same aims, and a comparison of the various options will be made. The desired next-generation capabilities include transform-limited operation across the entire X-ray range with pulse durations ranging from 100 as to 100 fs; evenly spaced high rep. rate pulses for enhanced data acquisition rates; optimised multi-colour FEL pulse delivery and a full array of synchronised sources (XUV-THz sources, electron beams and high power/high energy lasers). The project also incorporates sustainability as a key criteria. This contribution gives an overview of progress to date and future plans.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P13  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 25 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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TU4P16 Transverse Optics-based Control of the Microbunching Instability 107
  • A.D. Brynes, E. Allaria, G. De Ninno, S. Di Mitri, D. Garzella, C. Spezzani
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  • G. De Ninno
    University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • G. Perosa
    Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
  • C.-Y. Tsai
    HUST, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
  A number of recent experimental and theoretical studies have investigated novel techniques for suppressing the microbunching instability in high-brightness linac-based light sources. This instability has long been studied as one of the causes of reduced longitudinal coherence in these machines, which are commonly suppressed using a laser heater. This contribution presents recent developments concerning the use of an optics-based scheme to mitigate the microbunching instability in the FERMI free-electron laser, paving the way towards reversible beam heating techniques that could improve the performance of future machines.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P16  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 29 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Status and Future of XFEL Source Developments  
  • S. Reiche
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  Since the first demonstration of the SASE principle in the X-ray regime, there has been an ongoing development on improving and controlling the properties of the generated X-ray FEL pulses. This presentation gives a brief status on these efforts and an outlook of possible improvements in the future.  
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Progress of Cavity-based X-ray Free-electron Lasers  
  • Z. Huang
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Cavity-based X-ray Free electron lasers (FELs) such as the X-ray regenerative amplifier FEL (XRAFEL)* and the X-ray FEL oscillator (XFELO)** have been proposed to produce temporally coherent and stable hard X-ray pulses, especially for high-repetition rate FEL facilities. An X-ray cavity consisting of Bragg crystals will be used to recirculate the spectrally filtered X-rays for repetitive interactions with an electron bunch train and to generate high-power and narrow-bandwidth radiation. In this talk, we review the scientific motivation and recent progress of Cavity-based X-ray FELs. We discuss cavity designs, optics requirements, outcoupling schemes, and the latest experimental results. Finally, we introduce the ongoing RD projects at LCLS*** and European XFEL**** to prove the concept, as well as several Cavity-based proposals to enhance X-ray FEL’s spectral brightness by another two to three orders of magnitude compared to the state of art.
* Z. Huang and R.D. Ruth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 144801 (2006).
** K.-J. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 244802 (2008).
*** K.J. Kim et al., Cavity-based XFEL R&D Project, this workshop.
**** P. Rauer et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 26, 020701 (2023).
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Modified Maxwell-Bloch Equations for X-ray Amplified Spontaneous Emission in X-ray Lasers  
  • K.-J. Kim, R.R. Lindberg, J.-W. Park
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
Observations of stimulated emission in atomic media pumped by X-ray FELs have shown that X-ray lasers may be possible using the physical process referred to amplified spontaneous emission(ASE). The coherence and stability of an ASE-based X-ray laser can be improved in an X-ray laser oscillator (XLO)* by employing an X-ray cavity as in the X-ray FEL oscillator (XFELO). We present a Hamiltonian-based, 3D theory in paraxial approximation. Assuming factorization of operator products, the ensemble-averaged Heisenberg equations become Maxwell-Bloch equations which provide a correct description of the stimulated emission. The spontaneous emission is accounted for by adding a random noise term to the atomic coherence, which is uniquely determined from the fact that factorization does not apply for products of operators associated with the same atom. Our theory reproduces the results of the previous 1D theory ** and extends it in including the 3D diffraction effects, in including the seed field, and in incorporating the noise in more versatile way***. It provides a sound numerical framework to evaluate an X-ray laser, either in single pass or oscillator configurations.
*A. Halavanau, et al., PNSA 117, 27 (2020).
**A. Benediktovitch, et al., Phys. Rev. A 99, 013839 (2019)
*** J.-W. Park, K.-J. Kim, and R. Lindberg, Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted
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An Analytical Method for Longitudinal Phase Space Backtracking  
  • N.S. Sudar, Y. Ding
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Electron beam driven light sources require a longitudinal phase space exhibiting narrow energy spread and high peak current. In linear accelerators this is typically realized by employing multiple stages of bunch compression coupled with various techniques to shape the electron beam chirp. Increases in repetition rate limit many of these manipulations due to the high average beam power. This encourages manipulation of the electron beam properties at the source or low energy area of the accelerator. However, determining the upstream phase space properties that will lead to a particular final phase space proves difficult due to the many free variables of the accelerator and collective effects. Here we present an analytical method for tracking polynomial coefficients describing the final electron beam chirp and current profile backwards to an upstream point in the accelerator. This is written to arbitrary polynomial order and includes analytical expressions for collective effects. The method is applied to the LCLS-II linac, tracking from the undulator entrance back to the injector exit. The example case provided here leads to a 4 kA peak current flat top distribution and 0.1% RMS energy spread at the undulator entrance, representing a significant increase in the LCLS-II beam brightness. Forward tracking in Elegant of the found ideal distribution at the injector exit and accelerator configuration shows good comparison.  
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A Wiggler-based THz Source at LCLS-II and Studies for a 150-m THz Transport Line for Pump-probe Experiments  
  • M. Henstridge, A.S. Fisher, M.C. Hoffmann, Z. Huang
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Ultrafast THz pulses with energies of several µJ drive exotic non-equilibrium phenomena in complex materials, yet many of the underlying microscopic mechanisms remain unknown. Current strong-field THz sources rely mostly on difference-frequency mixing of near-infrared laser pulses in crystals at few-kHz repetition rates, but the extension of such sources to higher repetition rates suffers from reduced pulse energies and crystal damage. Here, we present a wiggler-based THz scheme capable of delivering 3-30 THz pulses with energies of 100 µJ at the 100 kHz rate supported by LCLS-II. Two time-delayed electron bunches independently drive the wiggler and x-ray undulator to generate precisely synchronized and optimized x-ray and THz pulses for pump-probe experiments. We built a model transport line to address the significant challenge of transporting the THz emission over the minimum 150-m distance necessary to reach the experimental halls. This concept, scaled to 12-m, has been tested with the 28 THz output of a CO₂ laser. Results indicate that the THz emission can be transported over 150-m with an efficiency near 90%. Further testing is underway at 3.5 THz with a quantum-cascade laser.  
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Scaling of Beam Collective Effects with Bunch Charge in the CompactLight Free-electron Laser  
  • S. Di Mitri, G. D’Auria, R.A. Rochow
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  • M. Aicheler
    HIP, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • A. Aksoy
    Ankara University, Accelerator Technologies Institute, Golbasi, Turkey
  • D. Alesini, M. Diomede, M. Ferrario, A. Gallo, A. Giribono, J. Scifo, B. Spataro, C. Vaccarezza, A. Vannozzi
    LNF-INFN, Frascati, Italy
  • G. Burt
    Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • H.M. Castañeda Cortés, J.A. Clarke, D.J. Dunning, N. Thompson
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • J.A. Clarke, D.J. Dunning, N. Thompson
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • M. Croia
    ENEA Casaccia, Roma, Italy
  • V.A. Goryashko
    Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • A. Latina, X.W. Wu, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • A. Mostacci
    Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • F. Nguyen
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  The CompactLight European consortium is designing a state-of-the-art X-ray free-electron laser driven by radiofrequency X-band technology. Rooted in experimental data on photo-injector performance in the recent literature, this study estimates analytically and numerically the performance of the CompactLight delivery system for bunch charges in the range 75-300 pC. Space-charge forces in the injector, linac transverse wakefield, and coherent synchrotron radiation in bunch compressors are all taken into account. The study confirms efficient lasing in the soft X-rays regime with pulse energies up to hundreds of microjoules at repetition rates as high as 1 kHz.  
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High Pulse Rate Experiments at the European X-ray Free-electron Laser  
  • R. Letrun
    EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  The rise of superconducting accelerator technology has brought forth an increase in the pulse rate produced by X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) by two orders of magnitude*, up to now, with a further increase on the horizon at new and existing facilities. The high pulse rate has opened up new opportunities for the scientific community, not only in terms of the volume of data that can be acquired, but also in the design of experiments that leverage the high pulse rate. However, these advances come with new challenges, such as replenishing the sample fast enough between X-ray pulses and ensuring high repetition rate detection of the signals produced. This presentation will give an overview of experiments performed to date at the Single Particles, Clusters, and Biomolecules and Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SPB/SFX) instrument** that have taken advantage of the high number of pulses and repetition rate provided by the European XFEL and illustrate how some of the key challenges have been addressed. An outlook to future developments and wishes from the user community regarding increased duty cycle operation will also be discussed.
* Decking, W. et al. Nat. Photonics 14, 391 (2020)
** Mancuso, A. P. et al. J. Synchrotron Radiat. 26, 660 (2019)
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Beam on Demand for Superconducting Based Free-electron Lasers  
  • Z. Zhang, Z. Huang
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The multiplexing capabilities of superconducting-based X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) have garnered significant attention in recent years. The need for wide-ranging photon properties from multiple undulator lines calls for more flexible beam manipulation techniques. To fully realize the potential of superconducting-based FEL facilities, the concept of "beam on demand" has been introduced, offering tailored beam properties for each undulator line at the desired repetition rate. In this work, we present the efforts made at LCLS-II to enhance its multiplexing capabilities, including (1) development of a normal conducting cavity, known as a chirper, to achieve shot-by-shot control of beam compression; and (2) proposal of a multiplexed configuration for the LCLS-II injector to deliver low-emittance electron beams of varying beam charges at high repetition rates. The implementation of these techniques can significantly enhance the flexibility and improve the performance of the facility.  
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WE3A3 Multi-FELOs Driven by a Common Electron Beam 164
  • C.-Y. Tsai
    HUST, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
  • Y. Zhang
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  Generating an FEL requires a high-brightness electron beam. To produce multiple FELs, the linac beam must be shared to enable one beam driving an undulator. This leads to a reduced average current and compromised FEL performance. Recently, a concept of multiple FELs driven by one electron beam was proposed, which enables reduction of equipment and improvement of productivity. We present here a simulation study based on an extended 1D FEL oscillator model to demonstrate this concept. The system consists of two FEL oscillators arranged side-by-side and one electron beam passing through them. As such, the second, downstream oscillator is driven by bunches already been used once, while the first oscillator always receives fresh bunches from the linac. The study shows lasing could be achieved for both oscillators, their radiation intensities at saturation are comparable, thus meet needs of users. The concept also enables a potential application using a circulator ring such that an oscillator can be driven alternately by fresh linac bunches from and used bunches in the circulator ring. Extending the concept to cases of more than two FEL oscillators driven by one beam is also explored.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-WE3A3  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 23 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Energy Recovery Linac Based Multi-pointing Fully Coherent Light Source  
  • Z. Wang, C. Feng, Z.T. Zhao
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Energy recovery linac (ERL) holds great promise for generating high repetition-rate and high brightness electron beams. In this paper, we consider the combination of ERL with the recently proposed anglerangular-dispersion induced microbunching technique to generate fully coherent radiation pulses with high average brightness and tunable pulse length. Besides, we design a multiplexed emitting system, which consists of multi-bend achromats (MBAs), matching sections and radiators to support multi-beamline operation in the long straight section of the ERL. Theory and simulation have been carried out and the results indicate that the microbunching and beam quality maintains well after four times of bending, indicating the continuously radiation with the wavelength of 13.5 nm and the peak power of 2 MW.  
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Development of Multi-alkali Antimonides Photocathodes for High-brightness Photoinjectors  
  • S.K. Mohanty, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, F. Stephan
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • W. Hillert
    University of Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany
  • L. Monaco, C. Pagani, D. Sertore
    INFN/LASA, Segrate (MI), Italy
  • C. Pagani
    Università degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Segrate, Italy
  Funding: This work was supported by the European XFEL re-search and development program.
Multi-alkali antimonide photocathodes can have high quantum efficiency similar to UV-sensitive (Cs₂Te) photocathodes but with the advantages of photoemission sensitivity in the green wavelength and a significant reduction in the mean transverse energy of photoelectrons. In order to optimize and better understand the photo emissive film properties of K-Cs-Sb photocathodes, a batch of two photocathodes with different thicknesses was grown on molybdenum substrates via a sequential deposition method in a new preparation system at INFN LASA. During the deposition, a "multi-wavelengths" diagnostic, i.e., the measurements of the real-time photocurrent and reflectivity at different wavelengths, has been applied during the photocathode film growth. In addition, in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), we investigated the electronic and optical properties of K{2}CsSb material. This allowed us to establish a correlation between the calculated and measured optical properties, such as reflectivity. In this report, we present and discuss the experimental results obtained from the two different thickness K{2}CsSb photocathodes, along with the DFT results of K{2}CsSb material.
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A High Brightness Travelling-wave C-Band Photogun for a Brightness Upgrade to SwissFEL  
  • T.G. Lucas
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  Funding: This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under GA No101004730.
One of the performance limiting factors of the next generation of XFELs is the generation of high brightness electron bunches. The current generation of S-band RF photoguns have reached their brightness limit. To continue to push brightness boundaries, a new photogun concept is needed. This contribution presents the design of a novel travelling-wave RF photogun that operates in the C-band regime. Beam dynamics simulations of this photogun illustrate that it can achieve a 5D beam brightness five times greater than the SwissFEL standing-wave gun. With the increased beam brightness, it is expected that intrabeam scattering (IBS) will play a more significant role through increasing the sliced energy spread (SES). Calculations of the IBS-induced SES illustrate that the increase in SES does not completely undo the brightness gain. We present the evolution of the SES over the injector and discuss how it influences the concept of optimising the beam brightness of an injector. Finally, this novel design also offers a path forward into higher repetition rate operation through its low attenuation, travelling-wave philosophy. This opens up the possibilities of operation into the kHz regime.
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WE4P09 Heat Load and Radiation Pulse of Corrugated Structure at SHINE Facility 168
  • J.J. Guo
    Zhangjiang Lab, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • H.X. Deng, D. Gu, Q. Gu, M. Meng, Z. Wang
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Corrugated structure modules are being proposed for installation after the end of the linac and before the undulator regions of SHINE facility, where it has been used for energy chirp control and as a fast kicker for two color operation of the FEL. When ultra-relativistic bunch of electrons passing through corrugated structure will generate strong wakefield, we find most of the wake power lost by the beam is radiated out to the sides of the corrugated structure in the form of THz waves, and the remaining part casue Joule heating load on the corrugated structure wall. In this paper, we estimate the radiation pulse power and Joule power loss of the corrugated structure in SHINE facility.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-WE4P09  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 28 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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WE4P12 Upgrades of High Level Applications at Shanghai Soft X-Ray FEL Facility 171
  • H. Luo, D. Gu, T. Liu, Z. Wang
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • K.Q. Zhang
    SSRF, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  The Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser(SXFEL) facility has made significant progress in recent years with the rapid, upgraded iterations of the high level software, including but not limited to energy matching, orbit feedback and load, beam optimization, etc. These tools are key components in operation and experiment of free electron laser facility. Some key applications are presented in this paper.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-WE4P12  
About • Received ※ 21 August 2023 — Revised ※ 29 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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WE4P13 Physics Design and Beam Dynamics Optimization of the SHINE Accelerator 174
  • D. Gu, Z. Wang, M. Zhang
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Shanghai HIgh Repetition Rate X-ray Free Electron Laser and Extreme Light Facility (SHINE) is a hard X-ray FEL facility which is driven by a 1.3 km supercon-ducting Linac, aims to provide high repetition rate pulses up to 1 MHz . In this study, we present the physics design of the SHINE accelerator and considerations of beam dynamics optimizations. Start-to-end simulation results show that, a high brightness electron beam with over 1500 A quasi-flat-top current can be attained which fully meet the requirements of FEL lines. Furthermore, design of the bypass line is also discussed.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-WE4P13  
About • Received ※ 23 August 2023 — Revised ※ 30 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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WE4P14 Layout of the Undulator-to-dump line at the SHINE 177
  • T. Liu, S. Chen, H.X. Deng, B. Liu, Z. Qi
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • Z.F. Gao
    SSRF, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • N. Huang
    Zhangjiang Lab, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  The Shanghai HIgh repetitioN rate XFEL and Extreme light Facility as the first hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) facility in China, is currently under construction in the Zhangjiang area, Shanghai. It aims to deliver X-ray covering photon energy range from 0.4 to 25 keV, with electron beam power up to 800 kW. Downstream of the undulator line, the beam transport design of the undulator-to-dump line is critical which is mainly used for realization of FEL diagnostics based on transverse deflecting structure and beam absorption in the dump. In this manuscript we describe the current layout of this system.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-WE4P14  
About • Received ※ 20 August 2023 — Revised ※ 22 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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WE4P15 Multichromatic Free-electron Laser Generation Through Frequency-beating in a Chirped Electron Beam 181
  • Z. Qi, C. Feng
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  We propose a simple method to generate mode-locked multichromatic free-electron laser (FEL) through a longitudinal phase space frequency-beating in a chirped electron beam. Utilizing the two stage modulator-chicane setups in Shanghai Soft X-ray FEL facility, together with a chirped electron beam, we are going to imprint a frequency-beating effect into the electron beam. Hence periodic bunching trains can be formed and can be used to generate mode-locked FEL radiation pulses. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations are given out to demonstrate the performance of the method. The results indicate that mode-locked FEL in temporal and frequency domain can be formed at the 18th harmonic of the seed laser, with the central wavelength being about 14.58nm and the peak power over 2GW.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-WE4P15  
About • Received ※ 01 September 2023 — Revised ※ 01 September 2023 — Accepted ※ 01 September 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Short Free-electron Laser Pulses: The User Perspective  
  • C. Bostedt
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  Free-electron laser sources can deliver x-ray pulses with unprecedented intensities. While often the performance of the x-ray laser sources and experimental needs revolve about the achievable pulse energies, the pulse length is an equally or perhaps even more important parameter. Already the first ionization measurements in atomic neon revealed that the x-ray dynamics change fundamentally when the pulse length approaches the femtosecond time scales of inner-shell decay processes [1]. Related, the pulse length was demonstrated to be an important parameter for the electronic response in diffraction experiments [2] and discussed in the broader context of damage processes in femtosecond crystallography [3] and imaging [4]. With the advent of attosecond x-ray pulses, new opportunities opened for non-linear X-ray spectroscopy [5] as well as following coherent electronic processes [6]. In my talk, I will briefly present these various short pulse applications to set the stage for the workshop discussions.
[1] Young et al., Nature 466, 7302 (2010)
[2] Ferguson et al., Sci. Adv. 2, 1500837 (2016)
[3] Nass et al., Nat. Comm. 11, 1814 (2020)
[4] Ho et al., Nat. Comm 11, 167 (2020)
[5] O¿Neil, PRL 125, 073203 (2020)
[6] Li., Science 375, 285 (2022)
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Dechirper System for Fresh-slice Applications at the European XFEL  
  • W. Qin, W. Decking, M.W. Guetg, J.J. Guo, S. Liu, T. Wohlenberg, I. Zagorodnov
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • E. Gjonaj
    TEMF, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
  • J.J. Guo
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • J.J. Guo
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  Fresh-slice lasing using dechirper induced time-dependent orbit oscillation is capable of producing high intensity two-color XFEL pulses and high power short pulses at femtosecond level. At the European XFEL, a dechirper system for fresh-slice applications for both the hard x-ray beamline SASE1 and the soft x-ray SASE3 beamline is being developed. In this contribution, we present the novel design of the wakefield structure and initial commissioning efforts.  
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Generation of Intense Attosecond Pulses at the European XFEL  
  • J.W. Yan, G. Geloni, C. Lechner, S. Serkez
    EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  • Y. Chen, P. Dijkstal, M.W. Guetg, E. Schneidmiller
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) have paved the way for significant advancements in attosecond science by generating intense, ultrashort pulses. We are currently developing AttoSecond Pulses with eSASE and Chirp-Taper schemes (ASPECT) project at the European XFEL, designed to exploit these capabilities. In its initial stages, ASPECT will be used to produce attosecond-long pulses at two out of the three SASE lines at the European XFEL: SASE1 and SASE3, dedicated to producing hard and soft x-rays respectively. In this presentation, we will report design studies and preliminary experimental results at the European XFEL.  
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Progress on Fresh-slice Multi-stage Amplification at SwissFEL  
  • G.L. Wang, E. Prat, S. Reiche, K. Schnorr
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  We present the progress of generating high-power and short FEL pulses using the fresh-slice multi-stage amplification scheme at Athos, the soft X-ray beamline of SwissFEL. We use a transversely tilted electron beam traveling through the unique Athos layout with magnetic chicanes between every two undulator modules. The tail of the bunch produces a short pulse in the first amplification stage. The rest of the electron beam further amplifies the short FEL pulse in up to three additional stages. Our results show the production of FEL radiation with pulse energies of several hundreds of microjoules and pulse durations of about one femtosecond. This operation mode will allow us to advance the scientific opportunities of nonlinear optics and imaging experiments.  
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Progress Towards X-ray Free-electron Laser Driven by Plasma Wakefield Accelerator at SXFEL  
  • F. Li, J.F. Hua, W. Lu, Z. Song, H.Y. Xiao
    TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  • C. Feng, Z. Wang, Z.T. Zhao
    SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • T.L. Zhang
    Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  Free-electron lasers (FEL) are unique light source for various applications in structural biology, chemistry and condense physics. Plasma-based accelerators can provide ultrahigh accelerating gradient which is 3~4 orders of magnitude higher than conventional technology, holding the potential for a revolution in particle accelerators. This novel technology therefore has been given high expectations for the development of compact free-electron lasers. SXFEL is a single-pass FEL user facility that provides 2~10 nm radiation for fundamental and applied research. In frame of this report, we present concept and design of a large-bandwidth XFEL based on a plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) driven by SXFEL electron beams. An ultrabroad bandwidth is achieved by chirping the electron beam in a hollow-channel plasma and simulations demonstrate that a spectral bandwidth of up to 24% can be obtained in this scheme. We will also present the recent progress on the construction of PWFA-based XFEL experimental station at SXFEL, and the preliminary experimental results on the PWFA and FEL radiation generation.  
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TH4A2 A Compact Inverse Compton Scattering Source Based on X-band Technology and Cavity-enhanced High Average Power Ultrafast Lasers 257
  • A. Latina, R. Corsini, L.A. Dyks, E. Granados, A. Grudiev, V. Mușat, S. Stapnes, P. Wang, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • E. Cormier
    CELIA, Talence, France
  • G. Santarelli
    ILE, Palaiseau Cedex, France
  A high-pulse-current photoinjector followed by a short high-gradient X-band linac and a Fabry-Pérot enhancement cavity are considered as a driver for a compact Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) source. Using a high-power ultra-short pulse laser operating in burst mode in a Fabry-Pérot enhancement cavity, we show that outcoming photons with a total flux over 1013 and energies in the MeV range are achievable. The resulting high-intensity and high-energy photons allow various applications, including cancer therapy, tomography, and nuclear material detection. A preliminary conceptual design of such a compact ICS source and simulations of the expected performance are presented.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TH4A2  
About • Received ※ 22 August 2023 — Revised ※ 26 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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An Active Q-switched X-ray Regenerative Amplifier Free-electron Lasers  
  • J. Tang, E. Hemsing, Z. Huang, Z. Zhang
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Despite tremendous progress in X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) science over the last decade, future applications still demand fully coherent, stable X-rays that have not been demonstrated in existing X-ray FEL facilities. In this Letter, we describe an active Q-switched X-ray regenerative amplifier FEL (XRAFEL) to produce fully coherent, high-brightness, hard X-rays. By using simple electron beam phase space manipulation, we show this scheme is very flexible in controlling the X-ray cavity quality factor Q and hence the output radiation. We report both theoretical and numerical studies on this scheme with a wide range of accelerator, X-ray cavity, and undulator parameters  
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TH4A4 A Proposal for Generating Fully Coherent X-ray FEL with Femtosecond Pulse Based on Fresh-Slice 261
  • Z.F. Gao
    SSRF, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • J.W. Yan
    EuXFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
  This study aims to propose a new principle for generating fully coherent femtosecond X-ray pulse on the Shanghai soft X-ray Free Electron Laser User Facility (SXFEL-UF), which was based on fresh-slice technique. The electron beam was kicked transversely to get a time-related transverse tilt. The sub-10-femtosecond bunch was achieved first because of the spatiotemporal synchronization effect of the seed laser modulation. Then the FEL pulse duration was even shorter because of harmonic lasing. In the cascaded HGHG mode, the laser generated by the beam tail modulated the beam head in the second stage to reach higher harmonics, while in the EEHG mode, the same part of the electron beam was modulated twice. The influence of emittance and energy chirp of the electron beam on the scheme was analyzed, and the instability caused by transverse position jitter and energy jitter of the chirped beam was evaluated. The relationship between the pulse duration and the transverse deflection of the beam is verified. The scheme is also explored to generate linearly polarized femtosecond pulse at 6 nm and circularly polarized femtosecond pulse at 3 nm simultaneously.  
slides icon Slides TH4A4 [3.281 MB]  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TH4A4  
About • Received ※ 21 August 2023 — Revised ※ 24 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023
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Summary Report of Working Group A: Linac-based Light Sources  
  • E. Prat
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  • M.W. Guetg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • E. Hemsing
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • T. Inagaki
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Hyogo, Japan
  The paper highlights the key points arising from six insightful and instructive working group sessions.  
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