Paper | Title | Page |
MO3A1 |
Progress on SHINE Machine | |
SHINE (Shanghai HIgh repititioN rate hard x-ray free electron laser and Extreme light) is a superconducting linac-based free electron laser facility. It consists of a cw VHF electron gun, 75 8-cavity cryomodules, fast beam distributions, 3 FEL undulator lines as well as the photon beam lines/end-stations. In this talk we will give an introduction to the latest progress of the machine part of this project. Supported by the project funding (including the R&D and construction money that come up at same time) extensive prototyping has been conducted on major components like high rep-rate gun, cavities/cryomodules for cw linac, large cryogenic plant, fast kickers and undulators, among others. The cw beam test facility was set up to operate at cw mode for electron gun and cryomocules. | ||
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MO3A2 | Status and Perspectives for the Swiss Free-Electron Laser (SwissFEL) | 26 |
We summarize the status of SwissFEL, the X-ray free-electron laser at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Apart from some key operational performance figures the presentation covers the state of the experimental stations and their capabilities, gives a few scientific highlights and an overview of the use of special modes beyond SASE at our facility. Furthermore we report on progress of our seeding upgrade program on the soft X-ray line. Lastly we mention our long-term upgrade plans for a third undulator beamline in the tender and hard X-ray regime. | ||
Slides MO3A2 [8.398 MB] | ||
DOI • | reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-MO3A2 | |
About • | Received ※ 29 August 2023 — Revised ※ 30 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023 | |
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MO3A3 |
Status of the LCLS-II Superconducting Linac | |
Funding: US DoE The LCLS-II project installed a new superconducting linac into the existing SLAC tunnel to enable a high repetition rate x-ray FEL. Over the last 1.5 years, the commissioning of the new linac has taken place and been overall very successful. The status of the commissioning and experience from early operations of the new superconducting linac will be presented. |
Slides MO3A3 [5.118 MB] | ||
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MO3A4 |
European XFEL Status Overview | |
Since its launch in 2017, European XFEL has been operating reliably and stably, delivering photons to user experiments. The range of services, the overall performance and the provision of special operating modes have been continuously improved. Its superconducting accelerator delivers up to 27000 electron bunches per second in a 10 Hz pulsed mode to 3 undulator beamlines, which in turn can deliver photons to one of two associated instruments. The high electron beam energy of up to 17.5 GeV predestines this facility for high photon energies up to 30 keV. In addition to the default delivery modes, the user community is increasingly requesting other modes of operation such as self-seeding, very short pulses, two colours or customised bunch distributions in the individual pulse trains. We will present a brief summary of the current status of the different operating modes and give an outlook into the future. | ||
Slides MO3A4 [11.059 MB] | ||
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MO3A5 | FLASH: Status and Upgrade | 32 |
FLASH, the Soft X-Ray and Extreme-UV Free Electron Laser at DESY, is undergoing a substantial upgrade and refurbishment project, called FLASH2020+. The project will finally enable external seeded and SASE FEL operation for a wavelength range down to 4 nm with the EEHG method. This is achieved in two long shutdowns from November 2021 to August 2022 and from June 2024 to August 2025. Key ingredient of the upgrade were installation of a laser heater, replacing two early TTF-type L-band SRF accelerating modules by modern, high-gradient XFEL-type modules, redesign of the 2nd bunch compressor, and complete redesign of the FLASH1 beam line for HGHG/EEHG seeding. This talk will report on the project and the status of FLASH after the first shutdown with emphasis on beam dynamics aspects. | ||
Slides MO3A5 [1.108 MB] | ||
DOI • | reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-MO3A5 | |
About • | Received ※ 25 August 2023 — Revised ※ 26 August 2023 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2023 — Issued ※ 02 December 2023 | |
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MO3A6 |
Recent status of PAL-XFEL | |
Since opened to users in 2017, significant progress of PAL-XFEL has been made in operations including increasing the FEL pulse energy and the FEL photon energy, generating stable and high power self-seeding FELs, and two-color FELs. In the beamline, new instruments or endstations have been added such as the femtosecond X-ray scattering (FXS) with 800 nm laser pulse, the X-ray absorption spectroscopy (SAX), the serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with operation with developed noble sample-delivery-systems, Fourier-Transform Holography (FTH), and so on. Overall, beamline operation has enabled excellent scientific results through efficient user experiments. This talk will introduce recent status of PAL-XFEL and show representative experiment results shortly. | ||
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MO3A7 |
Present Status of SACLA and Plans for Future Upgrades | |
SACLA has two XFEL beamlines, BL3 and BL2, which are driven by an 8-GeV normal-conducting C-band high-gradient accelerator and provide SASE from 4 keV to 20 keV, and an EUV-FEL beamline BL1, which is driven by an 800-MeV accelerator and provides SASE from 40 eV to 150 eV. To perform the parallel operation of BL3 and BL2 and the top-up injection into the SPring-8 storage ring, the electron gun, accelerating RF, focusing magnets, and switchyard magnets are synchronously controlled for each 60 Hz pulse. In recent years, experiments using special FELs such as reflection-type self-seeded FELs, two-color, double-pulsed FELs, ultra-short pulsed FELs and nano-focusing optics have been conducted at XFEL beamlines. In order to supply XFELs tailored to various experimental conditions, an automatic tuning system of the accelerator using machine learning has been established and is used for daily tuning. In the future, we plan to improve and precisely control the characteristics of the FEL, such as intensity, pulse duration, spectrum, photon energy, and pulse repetition rate. To achieve these goals, we are working on 1) refinement of accelerator models using electron beam monitors and machine learning, 2) development of the electron gun to increase the beam brightness, 3) development of the efficient RF acceleration. For the purpose of 3, we have started to study a new normal-conducting accelerator design, with the goal of increasing the pulse repetition rate while maintaining XFEL performance and power consumption, to be consistent with ¿Green Facility¿ declaration. In this presentation, we introduce the status and future plans for upgrading SACLA. | ||
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MO3A8 |
FERMI FEL Upgrade Plans, an Overview | |
Short and long term upgrade plans of the FERMI free-electron laser facility at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy, will be reported. They include the ongoing linear accelerator energy upgrade and the conversion of the first undulator line to echo-enabled harmonic generation. The upgrade of the second undulator line to a two stage echo-based fresh-bunch scheme is also under study. | ||
Slides MO3A8 [1.847 MB] | ||
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MO3A9 |
Comissioning Progress and Advanced FEL Experiments at the SXFEL Facility | |
The Shanghai soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility (SXFEL) is the first X-ray FEL facility in China. The construction of the SXFEL facility was finished in 2022. The output photon energy of the SXFEL can cover the whole water window range. Except for the self-amplified spontaneous emission, various seeding technques have also been adopted for improving the performances of the SXFEL. Here we presents an overview of the SXFEL facility, including the layout and design, construction status, commissioning progress and future plans on advanced FEL experiments. | ||
Slides MO3A9 [4.688 MB] | ||
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