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BiBTeX citation export for TU4P31: A Recursive Model for Laser-Electron-Radiation Interaction in Insertion Section of SSMB Storage Ring Based on Transverse-Longitudinal Coupling Scheme

  author       = {C.-Y. Tsai and X.J. Deng},
  title        = {{A Recursive Model for Laser-Electron-Radiation Interaction in Insertion Section of SSMB Storage Ring Based on Transverse-Longitudinal Coupling Scheme}},
% booktitle    = {Proc. FLS'23},
  booktitle    = {Proc. 67th ICFA Adv. Beam Dyn. Workshop Future Light Sources (FLS'23)},
  eventdate    = {2023-08-27/2023-09-01},
  pages        = {147--150},
  paper        = {TU4P31},
  language     = {english},
  keywords     = {laser, radiation, FEL, storage-ring, bunching},
  venue        = {Luzern, Switzerland},
  series       = {ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop},
  number       = {67},
  publisher    = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland},
  month        = {01},
  year         = {2024},
  issn         = {2673-7035},
  isbn         = {978-3-95450-224-0},
  doi          = {10.18429/JACoW-FLS2023-TU4P31},
  url          = {http://jacow.org/fls2023/papers/tu4p31.pdf},
  abstract     = {{Recently a mechanism of the steady-state microbunching (SSMB) in a storage ring has been proposed and investigated. The SSMB aims to maintain the same excellent high repetition rate, close to continuous-wave operation, as the storage ring. Moreover, replacing the conventional RF cavity with a laser modulator for longitudinal focusing, the individual electron bunches can be microbunched in a steady state. The microbunched electron bunch train, with individual bunch length comparable to or shorter than the radiation wavelength, can not only produce coherent powerful synchrotron radiations but may also be subject to FEL-like collective instabilities. Our previous analysis was based on the wake-impedance model*. In this paper, we have developed a recursive model for the laser modulator in the SSMB storage ring. In particular, the transverse-longitudinal coupling scheme is assumed**. Equipped with the above matrix formalism, we can construct a recursive model to account for turn-by-turn evolution, including single-particle and second moments. It is possible to obtain a simplified analytical expression to identify the stability regime or tolerance range for non-perfect cancellation.}},