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Journals of Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW)

JACoW is a publisher in Geneva, Switzerland that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world by an international collaboration of editors.

LaTeX citation export for TH1D3: SCU Development at the LCLS for Future FELs

   P. Krejcik, G.J. Bouchard, J.M. Byrd, J.D. Fuerst, G.L. Gassner, E. Gluskin, \emph{et al.},
%   P. Krejcik, G.J. Bouchard, J.M. Byrd, J.D. Fuerst, G.L. Gassner, E. Gluskin, Z. Huang, Y. Ivanyushenkov, M. Kasa, E.M. Kraft, B. Lam, M.A. Montironi, C.D. Nantista, D.C. Nguyen, H.-D. Nuhn, X. Permanyer, M.F. Qian, Y. Shiroyanagi, Z.R. Wolf, and Z. Zhang,
%   P. Krejcik \emph{et al.},
   “SCU Development at the LCLS for Future FELs”,
% --- abbreviated form (UNpublished paper) - JACoW template Nov 2022 ---
%  presented at FLS'23, Luzern, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2023, paper TH1D3, unpublished.
% --- complete form (UNpublished paper) - JACoW template Nov 2022 ---
  presented at the ICFA Adv. Beam Dyn. Workshop (FLS'23), Luzern, Switzerland, Aug.-Sep. 2023, paper TH1D3, unpublished.