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BiBTeX citation export for TH1D3: SCU Development at the LCLS for Future FELs

  author       = {P. Krejcik and G.J. Bouchard and J.M. Byrd and J.D. Fuerst and G.L. Gassner and E. Gluskin and Z. Huang and Y. Ivanyushenkov and M. Kasa and E.M. Kraft and B. Lam and M.A. Montironi and C.D. Nantista and D.C. Nguyen and H.-D. Nuhn and X. Permanyer and M.F. Qian and Y. Shiroyanagi and Z.R. Wolf and Z. Zhang},
% author       = {P. Krejcik and G.J. Bouchard and J.M. Byrd and J.D. Fuerst and G.L. Gassner and E. Gluskin and others},
% author       = {P. Krejcik and others},
  title        = {{SCU Development at the LCLS for Future FELs}},
% booktitle    = {Proc. FLS'23},
  booktitle    = {Proc. ICFA Adv. Beam Dyn. Workshop (FLS'23)},
  eventdate    = {2023-08-27/2023-09-01},
  language     = {english},
  intype       = {presented at the},
  series       = {ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop},
  number       = {67},
  venue        = {Luzern, Switzerland},
  publisher    = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland},
  month        = {01},
  year         = {2024},
  note         = {presented at FLS'23 in Luzern, Switzerland, unpublished},
  abstract     = {{A joint SLAC/ANL development program is underway at the LCLS to demonstrate the advantages of SCUs for FEL beamlines. SCUs offer significant advantages for future FEL beam lines in gain length, wavelength reach, and tunability. The program leverages the storage ring SCUs developed at ANL and addresses the issues of integration in FELs and attaining the necessary micron precision for BBA. Our new modular cryomodule design is extendable to a full-length FEL and integrates the additional FEL components such as the phase shifter, quadrupole and RFBPM into the cold mass to achieve a high packing fraction and minimize the average gain length. Initially, 2 such cryomodules will be installed as afterburners at the end of the existing hard x-ray FEL beam line at the LCLS in order to measure the gain length and validate the beam based alignment procedure based on precision motion control of the cold mass internal to the cryomodule. We report on the status of the testing of these critical components on our precision alignment test stand, and discuss future plans for multiple FEL beamlines to be housed in a single cryomodule as part of the future LCLS expansion program for more user stations.}},